c r i m s o n s h a d o w s

A bundle of contradictions, fickle, idealist and insomniac | lover of the written word and bibliophile | beautifully flawed | hopelessly whimsical | thrives on cheesecake, ice-cream and chocolate therapy | craves the hills and a crimson sky

A content editor by day, a reader at night, I derive immense comfort from words. Reading them and stringing them together. I write what I cannot articulate orally. I write when I feel that no one will listen to me. I write when I have trouble sleeping at night.

Why c r i m s o n s h a d o w s?

Because sunsets are easily my favorite time of the day. I don’t know why but I find an orange- and crimson-splattered sky rather inspirational. It never ceases to remind me of a happier time.


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